Thank you to our Opening Doors Donors to Date
(Listed donors are gifts made through November 13, 2024)
*denotes SA alum, **denotes alum and current family
Thank you to The Mona Lisa and Lee Wallace Foundation for their seed matching gift of $1.25 million
Tina and Reid Acree
Missie and Greg Alcorn
Margaret and Tony Almeida
Sara Clymer and Mark Amalfitano
Teresa and Sean Anderson
Lindsey and Steve Antosek
Dawn and Dennis Armstrong
Maria Vandergriff-Avery and Chris Avery
Tracey and Adam Baird
Annie Ward Baldwin*
Carrie and Paul Bardinas
Gwin and Matt Barr
Casey Baucom
Brooke and Craig Beasley
Elizabeth and Don Bergsma
Anne Bishop
Renee and Chris Bradshaw
Candace and Ben Brown
Zubecca and Larry Brown
Kaneisha Brown
Allison Lee Burns*
ChaMarra Saner-Childers and Christopher Childers
Anne Scott and Donny Clement
Christy and Wink Cline
Larry Cloninger
Debbie and Rip Collins
Kristen and Steve Colwell
Sandy and Steve Combs
B.J. and Michael Connor
Lily Cook
Heather and Jimmy Coulter
Howard and Tina Cowan
Lee and John Cowan
Jane and Clark Current
Faye and Tony Currin
Ashley and Madison Currin
Lisa Davenport
James Davis
Kim and Kyle Davis
Michelle and James Day
Madison Day*
Melanie and Alan Deal
Eleanor Alcorn Desmond*
Allison and Mark Doby
Ila and Wiley Doby
Alice and Christopher Dorrance
Carley Drye*
Lesleigh and John Drye
Adam Drye*
Taylor and Brad Durham**
Lindsay and Rob Easter
Shannon and Jonathan Ellsworth
Campbell Ellsworth
Karen and David Ervin
F&M Bank
Amanda and Jonathan Faggart
Diane and Luke Fisher
Jennifer and Ames Flynn
Lanny and Jo Fowler
Wendy and John Fowler
Marilyn and Les Fowler
Will Fowler*
Beverly and Chris Fowler
Delaine and Alan Fowler
Digna Freirich
Freirich Foods
Madeline Hoskins Gansz*
Anna Flynn Gelbaugh*
Alexandra Drye Glontz*
Brenda and Franco Goodman
Jessica and Nick Goodman
Amy and Will Goodnight
Adrian Easley and Alex Greene
Teresa Rowell and Eric Hake
Stacye and Daniel Harborth
Lilia Repnikova and Michael Harrill
Ann and Parker Hatchett
Margaret and Artie Hattaway
Melissa Heilig
Kelly and James Hill
Sandra and Alan Honbarger
Lee Anna and Guy Hoskins
Cecelia and Michael Hughes
Gordon Hurley
Debra and Brad Ives
Devon and Andy Jarvis
James Javurek
Morgan Jeter*
Mitch Jeter*
Tricia and Lee Johnson
Johnson Family Foundation
Sandy and Stan Jordan
Rachel and James Jordan
Starling and Aaron Kaklamanos
Diana and Jason Keith
Courtney and Jeff Keller
Margaret and George Kluttz
Sarah and Keith Knight
Kerry and Jack Kribbs
Jeanette and Doug Lassiter
Abby Lee*
Alex Lee*
Melody and Brian Lee
Kristen Leonard
Jeannie and Mark Lins
Leigh Ann and Tom Loeblein
Katie Martin
Shannon and Christopher McCoy
Janet and David McCoy
Carol and Chris McNeely
Deborah and Dyke Messinger
Regina Messino
Sarah and Russell Michalec**
Vincia Benjamin Miller
Susan and Josh Mills
Fran and Gavin Misner
Brianna Parker and Wesley Moore
Hayley Morgan
Penny and Chris Moss
Novant Health
Amy Wilson and Ben Ott
Meredith and Bryan Overcash
Merry Overholser
Jean Owen
Cara Reische and Jon Palmer
Maegan and Bobby Parnell
Harrison Parrott*
Tanya Freirich* and Erick Pena
Tracey and David Peoples
Kim and Mark Petty
Sabrina and Erik Portillo
Hannah Coulter Privette*
Andrea and Jeff Ralston
Alice and Ryan Rich
Adrienne and Robert Rich
Annette and Hap Roberts
Dana and Rob Robertson
Virginia and Mark Robertson
Jody and Clint Robins
Hank Robins*
Wade Robins*
Meredith and Jared Rowland
Angela and Sam Roy
Lizzy and TJ Roy
Gail Spain
Salisbury-Rowan Community Foundation
Paula Yost and Peter Schupp
Alexandra and Michael Shadroui
Beth and Frank Shafer
Kristin and Greg Shields
Brooke Smith
Tracy and Kenan Smith
Laura and Gregory Smith
Amber and Jonathan Smith
Barb and Cliff Sorel
Kelli and Ryan Starrett
Caroline and Mark Stephenson
Brenda Stone
Nichole and Erron Towns
Molly Robinson Tripp*
Cheryl van der Poel
Amy Vestal
The Mona Lisa and Lee Wallace Foundation
Dana and Brad Walser
Brittany and Johnny Wear
Lynn and Paul Weisler
Lauren and Charles Whaley
Debbie Wilkinson
Traci and Brad Williams
Courtney Williams*
Mary Lou and Fred Williams
Meredith and Jonathan Williams
Shen and Tommy Wilson
David Wilson
Erin Wood
Mary and Bryan Wymbs
Lori and Steve Yang
Virginia and Kyle Yoder
Katie and Gil Zino