To help each student-athlete excel in all areas and to be the best he or she can be both on and off the playing field.
At Salisbury Academy, our athletics program is an important component of the educational structure. Athletics complement our academics and provide another arena in which students can excel. We pride ourselves on giving students opportunities to try a new sport. While we strive to make our teams as competitive as possible, our primary objective is to help our student-athletes build character by developing important lifetime skills. Cooperation, teamwork, responsibility, and self-respect are just a few life skills that become engrained in our student-athletes. The personal growth and achievements realized by our student-athletes provide them with a balance between academic pursuits, physical endeavors, and social interaction.
Our coaches are focused on teaching student-athletes how to win and not just on winning. Through positive reinforcement and intentional teaching, our coaches show our athletes how to be successful. Our student-athletes learn to be gracious competitors who embrace challenges, win with humility, handle defeat with dignity, and advocate for their sports, and they are positive role models.
Both individual and team sports are available to middle school students and a few sports are available lower school students. More than 19 teams play in 9 different sports which include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, volleyball, track and field, and tennis. More than 90 percent of students in grades 5 through 8 participate in interscholastic athletics.
Salisbury Academy is one of the founding members of the Foothills Association of Middle School Athletics (FAMA). Conference members include Concordia, Hickory Christian Academy, Hickory Day School, Davidson Day School, Statesville Christian Academy, St. Stephens Lutheran School, and Tabernacle Christian School.
Athletics Code of Conduct
Expectations of Athletes – Salisbury Academy athletes share a commitment to themselves, their teammates and to the school. Student-Athletes and Parents are required to sign the Player/Parent Contract prior to athletics participation. Student-athletes are expected to exhibit:
● Respect - For oneself, teammates, coaches, opponents, officials, fans, team managers, bus drivers, and athletic staff.
● Responsibility - By attending practices/games, being on time every day, and being prepared to improve in skill level and knowledge of the sport. Athletes are expected to adhere to the school rules and expectations as stated in the Athletic Handbook. Anyone in violation of this policy will be subject to consequences.
● Sportsmanship - Every action, body language, attitude and spoken word is a reflection of oneself and a reflection of the school. Student-athletes should be committed to being the “bigger” person in difficult situations.
Expectation of Parents
Salisbury Academy parents are expected to support the coach, all student-athletes, and athletic policies. Parents are encouraged to cheer on Salisbury Academy teams while refraining from verbally abusing game officials or the opposing team. Finally, parents who have concerns about their child’s athletic experience should first contact the coach and, if unresolved, follow up with the Athletic Director.
Inclement Weather Policy/Alerts
If rain, snow, ice, or other inclement weather impacts the practice or game schedule, parents will be updated as soon as the school has all necessary information to make an informed decision. Please keep in mind that safety is our top priority and will steer our decisions if changes need to be made. Parents are also encouraged to sign up to receive alerts via cell phone so they are notified immediately when changes are made.
Participation Policy/Sports Physical
Students must have a sports physical form on file in the Athletic Director's office before participating in any Salisbury Academy athletic team. Please see the Athletic Participation and Examination Form.
Pre-Season Parents Meetings
Prior to each team having their first practice, all parents are asked to meet with their child’s coach for a pre-season parents’ meeting. These meetings will be brief and informal and will include the following: coach’s expectations for practice/game participation, electing a team mom/dad, reviewing the team schedule, and reviewing any sport rules that may make viewing more enjoyable.
Social Media
Like the Salisbury Academy page on Facebook and follow Salisbury Academy on Instagram, as announcements and photos will be posted.
From The Athletic Director, Tommy Wilson
Welcome to Salisbury Academy Athletics and Jaguar Country. We believe every student can achieve success in and out of the classroom, and we strongly encourage participation in athletics. Our teams are highly competitive, yet what we value most is sportsmanship and respect. Come on out and cheer on the Jaguars!