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First Grade

Language Arts

Literacy objectives develop phonemic awareness, decoding, encoding, word recognition skills, and comprehension. Students read a wide variety of literature including poetry, stories, Aesop’s Fables, and sayings and phrases. Writing skills are expanded through creative expression with an introduction to editing work for correctness in form and fluency. Texts used include: Handwriting Without Tears, Orton Gillingham, Houghton-Mifflin English, and Core Knowledge.

Social Studies and Geography

Social studies content fosters curiosity and understanding of the world through innovative, hands-on projects, guest speakers, and field trips. First-graders study aspects of the world around them through stories, drama, art, music, and discussion. Children’s geographical awareness is also developed through consistent work with maps and globes. Engaging units include Early Civilizations, Modern Civilizations and World Cultures, Early American Exploration, and The Colonies to Independence.  


Our first grade math program focuses on mastering basic facts and operations through varied practice to provide students with opportunities to apply concepts in different situations. The educational goal is to have students grasp different mathematical concepts and develop higher-order skills. Concepts include patterns of classification, numbers and number sense, money, addition, subtraction, equations, measurement, and geometry. Sadlier-Oxford curriculum is followed to achieve these objectives.


Our science program provides effective instruction through hands-on experiences, experiments, and observations in a systematic approach.  Children study the following major topics: Living Things and their Environment, the Human Body, Matter, Electricity, Introduction to the Solar System, and The Geographical Features of the Earth. 

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